2024 PSDG: Defense Wins Championships, But... (Preview)
Chris Rito - 7/12/2024
The title reflects the old saying that always comes to my mind every time some old codger like me talks about the NFL. And prior to this explosive and pass-happy style of the current NFL, that might have even been basically true. But we care about fantasy football here, and this is simply not the case. In many seasons, the owner that manages to find the fantasy defense that explodes for some huge weekly scoring often has a huge leg up on the competition, since this is typically not among the highest scoring positions on a team. Nonetheless, there is a consistent and egregious over-drafting of defenses in fantasy football year after year after year – and hilariously, those highly-drafted defenses are rarely the ones that fit this description! I see both newbies and experienced veteran FFLers alike always want to draft a "solid defense" in the middle...
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