2017 PSDG: Specialty Players - Creative Points Acquisition (Preview)
John Cooney - 8/18/2017

Lurking in the shadows of popular fantasy football evaluations, breakdowns and statistics is powerful hidden information that can be utilized as valuable weapons on the battle grounds known as fantasy football drafts and game day lineups. When all things seem to be equal, you need to find that secret weapon. As we enter into the arena of intellectual warfare against other fantasy draft Masterminds who come armed with a full complement of conventional data, we must develop and deploy new ways to out-maneuver and outwit the competition.


The early rounds often go as planned. Ah, then the mid-rounds roll around and the separation between talents becomes cloudy and hard to recognize. It is both exciting and frustrating at the same time. This is the moment of truth, where we ash can those plans that were so well-formulated, loaded with detail and researched through tons of...

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FFMastermind.com Wins Another $1,500!
Sunday, January 7th, 2024

Many patrons ask Why should they subscribe to FFMastermind.com Premium Services when they are other cheaper services? Well, FFMastermind.com's Michael Nazarek did it again!

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