2017 PSDG: Hangin in the Red Zone (Preview)
John Holler - 7/26/2017

It’s amazing how little attention the Red Zone gets paid in an era of statistical paralysis by over-analysis. When you try to figure out why some numbers seem out of whack when it relates to touchdowns and touches for players, the Red Zone is where it all comes to the bubbling of reality.

When touchdowns are on the line, every player wants the ball – whether it’s running it or passing it. When you get in the Red Zone, touchdowns are expected.

For the purpose of our analysis, an explanation of the Red Zone is needed. When it comes to passing/receiving, the Red Zone holds its typical meaning – from the opponent’s 20-yard line and in. Any pass called inside the 20 can legitimately be expected to score a touchdown. That’s how they’re all drawn up.

However, a running...

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