The Best (2014)

To Smart Fantasy Football Players,

I started using FFMastermind.com in 2000, I believe.  What got me then is what brought me back four years ago and it's what will keep me here every year... the best personal service Mike offers.  He answers e-mails from his subscribers.  That may not mean much to some but to me that is huge!  I've won the title in my main 14-team league two out of the last four years.  Could not have done it without the Mastermind.  All I can say is... I hope everybody out there recognizes my man's skills except for my fellow league members!

Walter V.

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2024 Madness NFL Rookie Draft Reference Guide
Sunday, April 21st, 2024

Premium Pro Bowl and Super Bowl Package Subscribers take note. The time has come. The 2024 Madness NFL Rookie Draft Reference Guide has been released for your viewing pleasure. This

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